This is a quick documentation file on the machine language graphical text driver CHARGEN used by both Galactic Revolution and Galactic Conquest. It shows you how to load it for your BASIC programs, and how to use some special features it has (and a couple of things that work a little differently than regular BASIC). CHARGEN brief documentation: CHARGEN is a small assembly language routine that interfaces with BASIC so that you can use it in your BASIC programs. It runs on a PMODE 4,1 screen and is currently set up for a disk system (There are some POKE's that can be done to make it work with cassette; see the Galactic Revolution program loader REVOLT.BAS to see what to change). It supports true upper & lowercase with a pre-bolded font to make it easy to read even on a TV. It also gives you 32x24 text, letting you fit up to 768 characters on the screen at once versus the normal BASIC 512. It also features a few special CHR$ commands that you can PRINT: CHR$(8) - Backspace CHR$(12) - clear screen and home cursor CHR$(13) - Carriage return CHR$(14) - Turn cursor on CHR$(15) - Turn cursor off CHR$(16) - Turn inverse on CHR$(17) - Turn inverse off There are also special features that are controlled bye POKE's to certain memory locations: POKE &HDC,(0-31): Set cursor X position POKE &HDD,(0-23): Set cursor Y position POKE &H200,(0-30): Set "window" area left position POKE &H201,(0-22): Set "window" area top position POKE &H202,(1-32): Set "window" area X size POKE &H203,(1-24): Set "window" area Y size By setting the values at &H200 to &H203 you can set up a special "window area" that text will scroll within (good for things like adventure games). To use it currently requires a 32K RAM or higher Coco 1,2,3. You will need to do the following to load it: CLEAR 200,&H79A8 LOADM "CHARGEN" EXEC After that, you can write you BASIC program, and mix PMODE 4 graphics commands with text. NOTE: Only characters from 32 to 127 are defined (CHR$). Any values above that will print out some garbage (maybe you can use them for exploded items or something).